Gaming Stats

I collate all of the stats from the games I play, I am basically a bit of a stato when it comes to things like this, although no where near as bad as I used to be (I had it down to easily checked figures of how well I played in any given mission, with any given army, against any given army! 

Nowadays I tended to just keep it a little simpler, recording the outcome of each game as it goes. You can find all my stats here

Below are the stats I have collated since 8th Edition came out, with 39 games under my belt in just under a year (not too far off a game a week) It points to this edition being one I am still learning. 

I don't have an outstanding win rate (it was 48% until the Grand Tournament). Draws as ever are a rare event.

I keep the page (on the link above) updated as often as I can with Battle reports, so if you are interested in knowing how I am doing here is a way to find out!

8th Edition Overall - P39, W21, L16, D2 - 53% Win Rate

2017 (8th Edition - P22 - W10, L12, D0, 40% Win Rate)

  1. Ultramarines vs T'au, Ultramarines Major Victory, Power Level 50
  2. Ultramarines vs Grey Knights, VP's 4-50, 2000 points - Tournament Eternal Warrior Game 1
  3. Ultramarines vs Chaos Space Marines, VP's 4-12, 2000 points - Tournament Eternal Warrior Game 2
  4. Ultramarines vs Skittari, VP's 8-9, 2000 points - Tournament Eternal Warrior Game 3
  5. Ultramarines vs Word Bearers, VP's 5-4 - 2000 points - Friendly Game - Win
  6. Ultramarines vs Black Legion, VP's 1-5 - 2000 points - Friendly Game - Loss
  7. Ultramarines vs Imperial Guard, VP's 8-6 - 2000 points -Friendly Game - Win -Firestorm quick Battle Reports
  8. Ultramarines vs Daemons of Chaos, VP's 6-13 - 2000 points - Firestorm 2017 Game 1 - Loss
  9. Ultramarines vs Chaos Space Marines, VP's 50-4 - 2000 points, Firestorm 2017 Game 2 - WIn
  10. Ultramarines vs Chaos Space Marines, VP's 5-4 - 2000 points, Firestorm 2017 Game 3 - Win
  11. Ultramarines vs Salamanders, VP's 5-9 - 2000 points, Friendly - Loss
  12. Ultramarines vs Chaos Daemons, VP's 2-6 - 2000 points, Rapid Fire 1 - Loss
  13. Ultramarines vs Chaos Space Marines, VP's 11-1 - 2000 points, Rapid Fire 2 - Win
  14. Ultramarines vs Space Wolves, VP's 11-10 - 2000 points, Rapid Fire 3 - Win
  15. Ultramarines vs Grey Knights, VP's 1-5 - 2000 points, Rapid Fire 4 - Loss
  16. Ultramarines vs Grey Knights, VP's 2-9 - 2000 points, Rapid Fire 5 - Loss
  17. Ultramarines vs Imperial Guard, VP's 6-10 - 2000 points, Friendly - Loss
  18. Ultramarines vs Ad Mech + Imperial Knights, VP's 6-3 - 2000 points, Grand Tournament Heat 2, Round 1 - Loss
  19. Ultramarines vs Ad Mech + Imperial Knights, VP's 9-7 - 2000 points, Grand Tournament Heat 2, Round 2 - Win
  20. Ultramarines vs Chaos Daemons, VP's 8-1 - 2000 points, Grand Tournament Heat 2, Round 3 - Win
  21. Ultramarines vs Mixed Aeldari + Imperial Knights, VP's 10-2 - 2000 points, Grand Tournament Heat 2, Round 4 - Loss
  22. Ultramarines vs Ultramarines, VP's 5-0 - 2000 points, Grand Tournament Heat 2, Round 5 - Win
2018 (8th Edition - P17 - W11, L4, D2, 65% Win Rate)
  1. Ultramarines vs Deathguard, VP's 10-7 - 2000 points, Friendly Game - Win
  2. Ultramarines vs Tyranids, VP's 0-20 - 2000 points, Friendly game Loss
  3. Ultramarines & Custodians vs Imperial Fists - Draw
  4. Ultramarines vs Chaos Space Marines - result - got to turn 2 before it ended - Draw
  5. Ultramarines vs T'au (1500 points) - Win
  6. Custodes vs T'au (2000 points) - 10-8 - Win
  7. Custodes & Ultramarines vs Deathguard - 8-6 Win (2000 points)
  8. Custodes & Ultramarines vs Imperial Fists - 22-8 Win (2000 points)
  9. Custodes & Ultramarines vs Alaitoc Eldar - 23-16 Win (2000 points)
  10. Custodes & Ultramarines vs Salamanders - Loss (2000 points)
  11. Custodes & Salamanders vs Deathguard - 16-4 Win (2000 points)
  12. Custodes & Salamanders vs Imperial Fists - 15-0 Win (2000 points)
  13. Grand Tournament Custodes & Salamanders vs Drukhari - 1-7 Loss (2000 points)
  14. Grand Tournament Final Game 2 vs Imperial Knights Win 
  15. Grand Tournament Final Game 3 vs Aeldari Win 5-3 Win
  16. Grand Tournament Final Game 4 vs Astra Militarum 14- 7 Win
  17. Grand Tournament Final Game 5 vs Aeldari Loss - Table
Warhammer 40,000 games played (I started recording mid way through 5th Edition, but had been playing for a lot longer):

Played: 295

Won: 173
Lost: 90
Drawn: 31
Win Ratio: 58%
