Grand Tournament Round 4 vs Aeldari

Apparently I didnt take any pictures of this game... I'll blame the rot that sets in at Game 4 in a tournament! 

However I did get a copy of his list:

Spearhead Detachment
Archon, Agoniser, Blaster

Battaltion Detachment
Farseer, Doom, Fortune, Smite
Autarch, Star Glaive, Warlord
19 Guardian Defenders
19 Guardian Defenders
5 Swooping Hawks
5 Swooping Hawks
5 Swooping Hawks
Fire Prism
Fire Prism

Spearhead Deatchment
Spirit Seer
Dark Reapers (3)
Dark Reapers (3)
Dark Reapers (3)
Wave Serpent

So this wasn't meant to be my match up (although i have no idea what it was meant to be instead...) as my opponent didn't arrive. Either the snow or a poor showing in day 1 meant that they didn't come back. 

As has been my luck with this tournament I went first, but also as was my luck in Game 1, my first turn shooting dice, and shooting choices was off. 

The dice didn't go according to plan despite my re-rolls and my targeting didn't help, I decided on the go big or go home approach and split my fire that little too much.

Between all my shooting I managed the following:

Archan dead

1 Reaper dead
3 wounds off a Falcon

That basically meant things went wrong, especially when in his turn,  3 units of swooping hawks arrived along with two units of 19 Guardians and their Autarch.

I should have focussed the 8 Lascannons on a Fire Prism or across two Reapers getting 4. I didn't (and my opponent did warn me!) and it made my game a lot harder. 

The resulting fire took out my scouts, 3 guys from one devastator squad, 3 hell blasters and my Spartan. 

My turn allowed me nab his Warlord and Guardians, and knock down the falcon to six wounds, and a unit of Swooping Hawks. Not enough to save my backside, but enough to remove some of the threat.

In his third turn, he managed to kill my Librarian and two more Rocket Launchers as I began the hiding manevour. I knew I couldn't get to three of the objectives and live, but could deny him getting the fourth (not that it mattered for the mission objectives. I managed to pop another wound on the Ravagers, and bring the Falcon down to 2 wounds. 

At the point my opponent asked if we needed to continue ( he offered me the points for the Falcon and his Farseer that were well within my threat radius ), but nothing I could do would let me force a draw, let alone a win so I agreed and we shook hands. 

Other battle reports from this tournament

Game 1 - Ad Mech
Game 2 - Ad Mech
Game 4 - Aeldari

Game 5 - Ultramarines
