Tournament planning 2,000 points, Ultramarines - (List D)

The final version of the lists i have been looking at goes much more into the place of troops, troops and more troops! 

To see the others...

List A
List B
List C

List D

It lacks (I worry) the anti-tank component with only really the units effectively able to threaten them, and doesn't have the ability to exert as much early pressure as some of the others with only three possible units arriving from deep strike in the early turns. 

On the flip side it does include the XIII Primarch... so maybe that will swing it? 

Battalion Detachment


  • Primaris Lieutenant, Power Sword x 1
  • Captain, Power Sword, Combi-Plasma
  • Tactical Squad x 10, Rocket, Plasma, Combi-Plasma
  • Tactical Squad x 10, Rocket, Plasma, Combi-Plasma
  • Tactical Squad x 10, Heavy Bolter, Flamer, Combi-Plasma
  • Intercessor Squad x 5
  • Intercessor Squad x 5
  • Primaris Ancient
Fast Attack
  • Inceptor Squad, x 3, Assault Bolter x 6
  • Attack Bike Squad x 2, Multi-Melta
Heavy Support
  • Hellblaster Squad, Plasma Incinerator
Dedicated Transport

  • Drop Pod, Stormbolter

Lord of War Auxilary

Lord of War
    • Roboute Guilliman

    Total Points: 1962 / 2000

    Total Power: 108
    Total Deployment (min - max) 8 - 13

    Command Points: 9
