Another Wednesday, another Army list... not been as consistent with them as I may have liked, however hopefully they are still useful for you to read through.
This time its another 2000 point list. Following on from my showing in Chaos of the Warp 2 (you can find my list here).
I decided to look at what I could change about the list, as it certainly had some short comings!
Grandmaster Modrak
5 Ghost Knights, Daemonhammer, Force
Halberd x 4
Vindicare Assassin
Grey Knight Strike Squad, Psycannon x 2
Grey Knight Terminators, Psycannon
Interceptors x 7, Psycannon, Psybolt Ammunition
Interceptors x 10, Incinerator x 2, Psybolt Ammunition
Dreadknight, Personnal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Dreadknight, Personnal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
This revised list has cost me all of my Force Halberds in the Interceptor Squad & 3 Interceptors & a Psycannon.
However I have gained a 5th Ghost knight to go with Modrak, to make his unit that little bit more survivable, and a Vindicare Assassin, and he brings me some much needed Armour penetration from distance, he should also be able to scare independent Characters, hidden Power Fists, Unit Upgrades. All these things make him a versatile addition to my force!
So compared to this list, what do you think of this one? I feel the Landraider is less threatened by AT than a Stormraven at range, and realistically I want people up close and personnal anyway so Melta will hopefully won’t be too bad.