Just a quick post today... 24 bases of Khitari... 24... and thats without an infantry upgrade pack. 2 Core Helix's & 1 Recon Helix.
So after a spray coat of Dark blue, followed by a dry brush of a lighter one, I then painted the bases Grey.
Followed by
Now just for a Earthshade Was on the blue, and a Nuln Oil was on the grey (maybe a bit of highlighting), before finishing the model off with some flock and sand.
Still, it has to be done.
Kudos for pushing through!
On the plus side, these guys, 2 Stingrays and a load of bases are all that is left from my Aquans.
Then onto finish the Teraqui, Works Raptor and then start the Dindrenzi & Relthozans before more purchases lol.