The Khitari tide...

Just a quick post today... 24 bases of Khitari... 24... and thats without an infantry upgrade pack. 2 Core Helix's & 1 Recon Helix. 

So after a spray coat of Dark blue, followed by a dry brush of a lighter one, I then painted the bases Grey.

Followed by

Now just for a Earthshade Was on the blue, and a Nuln Oil was on the grey (maybe a bit of highlighting), before finishing the model off with some flock and sand. 


ahmadan said…
I'm beholding my future... I've got 4 Core bases, Inf upgrade box and Recon Helix to paint, and I'm dreading even getting started (35 bases!).

Still, it has to be done.
Kudos for pushing through!

Kraggi said…
Made the mistake of deciding their weapons should be bone, and that their armour would look good in a glossy varnish like the rest of their models... something I may very well regret by the time I have these 24 guys done.

On the plus side, these guys, 2 Stingrays and a load of bases are all that is left from my Aquans.

Then onto finish the Teraqui, Works Raptor and then start the Dindrenzi & Relthozans before more purchases lol.