Welcome back to Part 2 of my
Planetfall review. You can find part 1 here.
More after the jump...
Today I am going to cover off:
Dice Mechanics
Game Phases
CQB & Shooting
those of you already familiar with Spartan Game dice mechanics, Planetfall
continues in the same vein with the always cool exploding D6 mechanic.
There are three levels of dice
rolling in Plantfall.
time you roll dice in Planetfall the game will tell you which of these three
methods to use, most of the rules follow the RED 6 method, and it is downgraded by certain special rules
and effects.
essence you total up how many dice you need to roll, check which method applies
and then roll them (adding extra dice in for any 6’s if applicable), and then
count up how many of them equalled or beat the target score you needed. This
then becomes your total number of Successes.
mechanic might sound a little weird to start with, but once you have made a few
attack roll’s it becomes a lot easier.
While rolling the correct coloured dice is a great idea to ensure it is clear to all involved its just as easy to agree with your opponent which dice level you are using, and then roll your white / mixed / pink / rainbow dice.
Game Phases:
There are
three phases to each game turn, and they are listed below.
Pre-turn phase is used to determine which player activates their Helix first
each turn, and allow players to play TAC cards, which can provide benefits to
your army, turn, helix or individual squadrons, although they come at a cost,
increasing your Zero Hour tracker.
of the Movement, Close Quarter Battles (CQB) and Shooting segements for each
individual squadron.
The End
Is where you tidy up any in
game markers that might need removing. Resolve your compulsory effects, score
your objectives and check for the game End.
Planetfall has a much easier
movement system than some of their other games, and I fully understand why
Naval Ships, and Space Ships have turning templates, but little things like
having to use the templates can add frustration to a game, especially as
something that might put off newer players.
In Planetfall each unit has
two movement statistics. One is their Cruising Speed, and one is Flat out.
Most units that move at Cruising
speed get to move in the same way as most models move in other larget Skirmish
Regardless of their facing they get to turn, move up to their distance and then end their facing in any direction (providing they don’t have any part of them moving over their allotted distance).
Some of the Larger models have
a special rule called Lumbering that requires them to use a movement template,
since these tend to be your more powerful units the extra thought of manoeuvring
them adds a certain layer of planning and tactics to yours and your opponents
The final facing of your model
matters for what shooting you can do, and what arc your opponent is able to
shoot back at you.
CQB & Shooting
These game segements are
options for each Squadron, and are performed CQB then Shooting.
The main difference between
the two is the range, and that in CQB the enemy gets to hit you back, although
you (and they) get to bypass any shields that the units might have.
When shooting or attacking in
CQB your weapons have a number of Attack Dice assigned to them, in a nice
streamlining of previous versions all weapons with the same special rules may
combine their Attack dice totals, and this means just adding the totals
You then role them as
mentioned earlier in the Dice Mechanics section to see how many successes you
get. Once you know how many successes you get, you remove a success for any
damage points your Squadron has sitting on them, and compare it to the enemies
Damage Rating.
Everytime you equal an enemies
damage rating value you do a point of damage, the largest vehicles currently
have damage ratings of 8+8+7.
This means if you scored 16
successes you would deal two points of damage, if you only scored 15 successes
then you would score one point.
Very straight forward when you
are playing it, and without Critical effect tables, speeds up the game play
Shooting at an enemy in the Flank or Rear arc reduces each of the numbers in their damage rating by 1 or 2, meaning Rear arc attacks are the most dangerous attacks to receive.
In Summary
So lets look at the Pros for Planetfall.
1. The Rules play well, and are quick and simply to pick up, but I am sure will take (me at least) several games to begin to truly see all the tactical options they provide.
2. Game / Army Expansion is logical and straight forward without the need for massive amounts of money spent to get a unit of just the right size
3. Terrain is something you get as you buy the models themselves
4. The Models are highly detailed (as per Spartans usual high standard) and very true to the renders they show.
The Con's
1. Smaller Player base - getting opponents for Spartan's games is the biggest challenge
Overall Score: 10/10
Even with the Con of the challenge of getting this game picked up by others, everything about it makes it significantly easier to do, and I for one can't wait to try (normally trying to get people playing somehting is one of the more depressing parts of a new game).
If you are interested in the army building you can find the first article on it here.
much like Dystopian Wars the basic score required for a success is a 4+
Some special MAR's modify that negatively, and some firing options modify it postively.
You can be shooting a at small target needing 6's because of some MAR's but then elect to Focus Fire, and required 5's as you have a -2 modifier and a +1 modifier.
Hope that makes sense, and I promise it does come very easily when you are playing :-)