I recently had the pleasure of running a tournament for my local gaming club. 20 players. 3 games and in the end a lot of fun.
Now in my capacity as T/O and Rules Judge I had a couple of questions posed to me that I thought I would put out to the blog world.
I have also emailed these into Games Workshops FAQ email address as well, and fingers crossed we will get some official answers from GW in the next update.
In the meantime I would like to hear for you, the reader, as to your opinion!
1. When a Drop Pod lands its rule states it counts as if it has suffered am immobilised result. It has been put to me that you lose a hull point when you suffer an immobilised result, therefore the Drop Pod should lose a hull point upon landing...
2. Aegis Defence Line Weapon Emplacements. The rules state that a model in base to base with an emplaced weapon may fire it instead of its own weapon. So what happens if a model from each side is in base to base with the Emplaced weapon? Who can fire it?
I look forward to some comments and I will let you know what response I get from GW (if I get one)
2. Both models can fire the gun in their own shooting phase. At one another if they like! Also note that any model with a BS can fire the gun, so that includes Land Raiders and Dreadnaughts...
Both can fire
So the pod is already immobilized. This means if it suffers the same result again its going to lose an extra hullpoint.
1.I agree that after landing its Immobilsed so a damaging result that immobilises it again loses a hull point makes sense, its people saying it loses that hull point when it lands that worries me.
I checked the FAQ's and couldnt find any reference to it, but if you do find one let me know where to look.
As in my point to phase not sure that RAW mean it loses a hull point
With regards to both models firing the gun I refer you to the Sky Shield landing pad that states two models in base to base with it from opposing sides prevent its configuration from being changed.
Will try to take some time to look at the drop pod rules.
Gun Emplacement - either side can fire it in there own turn and as an interceptor as well.
2. It seems like everyone can use it, altough it doesn't make a lot of sense...
Also the big Tournament FAQ that was released recently for the US circuit states that Drop Pods do lose a hull point upon landing (not that I agree, or will be implementing that).