Stronghold, 1250 Point Army List

On the back of my post last week. Here is a revised list or two for a 1250 tournament. Remember no Special Characters allowed! 

here is a revision to the 1250 list that may just scare or excite some people. 

So on the first one:

Grandmaster, Incinerator, Psychotoke Grenades, Servo Skull

Terminators x 5, Psycannon

Strike Squad x 10, Psycannon x 2

Dreadknight H. Incinerator, Personal Teleporter

Dreadknight H. Incinerator, Personal Teleporter

Dreadnought, Two Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition

Total 1250

This one has the potential for everything minus the Grandmaster as a scoring unit, along with some longer ranged firepower to deal with those pesky Dark Eldar Transports!

The second one:

Grandmaster Incinerator

Strike Squad x 6, Psycannon

Strike Squad x 5, Psycannon

Interceptors x 10, Incinerator x 2, Psybolt Ammunition, Halberds x 8

Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Personal Teleporter

Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Personal Teleporter

Total: 1250

Again this has the potential for a lot for scoring units, the main difference being that three of them can shunt into you early on to cause you problems....

So what do you think people? Is this better, worse or about the same?
