Time for another installment of my Army List Wednesdays.
This time back on the Imperial Guard, and this time its for an entirely Outflanking force. My opinion is that against an opponent this is a 1 shot wonder, however its well worth it for the look on their face when 'setup'.
This list gives you lots of options, but my favourite is to outflank it all (except for Marbo). Creed allows you to grant one unit Scout, so I think we will give that to the Tank Squadron.
Then you are only making 5 Reserve rolls, with +1 and a re-roll for the side you outflank. This means you have a 88.88% chance of bring the unit on the side of the table you want too.
The Tanks to be honest would be better in individual units, but I reckon that whatever they shoot at will die with three of them doing it.
The Veterans can actually put out a decent rate of fire across all of them, while Creed's squad is there simply to kill Tanks, along with the Vendettas.
The Valks & Flamers are there for the Hordes of the World.
In a scoring mission the Vets do not need to jump out of their Flying Tins of Doom except when trying to capture an objective.
It is a very min-maxed as such to try and fit in all the metal boxes I can, but if my oppoenent isnt expecting it then I should be able to spring a nice surprise for them.
As ever thoughts are more than welcome.
This time back on the Imperial Guard, and this time its for an entirely Outflanking force. My opinion is that against an opponent this is a 1 shot wonder, however its well worth it for the look on their face when 'setup'.
Unit Name | Unit Size | Equipment / Options |
Company Command Squad | 6 | Creed, Astropath, 4 x Meltaguns |
Vendetta | 2 | |
Valkyrie | 2 | Multiple Rocket Pods |
Vendetta | 1 | |
Sly Marbo | 1 | |
Veteran Squad | 10 | 3 x Grenade Launchers |
Veteran Squad | 10 | 3 x Flamers |
Veteran Squad | 10 | |
Veteran Squad | 10 | 3 x Grenade Launchers |
Leman Russ Squadron | 3 | |
Battle Tank | H.Bolter & H.Bolter Sponsors | |
Demolisher | H.Flamer | |
Demolisher | H.Flamer |
This list gives you lots of options, but my favourite is to outflank it all (except for Marbo). Creed allows you to grant one unit Scout, so I think we will give that to the Tank Squadron.
Then you are only making 5 Reserve rolls, with +1 and a re-roll for the side you outflank. This means you have a 88.88% chance of bring the unit on the side of the table you want too.
The Tanks to be honest would be better in individual units, but I reckon that whatever they shoot at will die with three of them doing it.
The Veterans can actually put out a decent rate of fire across all of them, while Creed's squad is there simply to kill Tanks, along with the Vendettas.
The Valks & Flamers are there for the Hordes of the World.
In a scoring mission the Vets do not need to jump out of their Flying Tins of Doom except when trying to capture an objective.
It is a very min-maxed as such to try and fit in all the metal boxes I can, but if my oppoenent isnt expecting it then I should be able to spring a nice surprise for them.
As ever thoughts are more than welcome.
@Atreides - in subsequent lists John has added both Plasma and Melta and also used Platoon squads as well - but even the original list will cause most armies problems as it'll be killing the most dangerous things on the turn it arrives.
As always for armies that rely on reserve rolls though if it arrives piecemeal your opponent will/should blow you away.
This list has the potential to be turning up and spanking a lot of peoples army when it arrives, it depends a lot on their setup and which side I come on, along with Careful movement & target selection.
It is certainly a bit of a glass cannon but from past experience it doesnt do too badly, that said I appreciate the feedback as I know that when it comes down to it troops are a big thing and Guard should have an advantage in this area over most armies, so realistically I should be building my army lists to benefit from this.