Imperial Guard Combat Patrol Mk V

I think this is my 5th Incarnation of a Combat Patrol Guard list.

Well anyway the list I used last week didnt do as well as I would have wanted with 3 Losses and only 1 Win to its name.

Admittedly its win (and one of its losses) was to the thrice damned Space Wolf list. However it did give me a few new ideas for an army list.

Now this list is moving back towards the Gunline list that I first used (click here to see it). It has more men, and more Rocket Launchers, and I think that Rocket Launchers are the best heavy weapon when it comes to Combat Patrol games.

It also includes the new Superstar that I discovered... the Primaris Psyker! For 70 points he is an absolute steal and happily makes his points back. The Reach of his Lightning is very nice and the potential damage is good as well.

While building this list I did look at several other combat patrol lists... all of which I am capable of fielding. Here are a couple of examples:

List 1: 38 Men, 400 Points

Primaris Psyker

Infantry Platoon
Command Squad, 2 x Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad, Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad, Grenade Launcher
Heavy Weapons Team, 3 x Rocket Launcher
Heavy Weapons Team, 3 x Rocket Launcher

List 2: 56 Men, 400 Points

Primaris Psyker

Infantry Platoon
Command Squad, 4 x Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Squad
Infantry squad

List 3: 46 Men, 400 Points

Primaris Psyker

infantry Platoon
Command Squad, 4 x Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher

These three lists are basically designed to outnumber the enemy... and outnumber them by lots. It also relies on the Psyker being pretty damn good, and on their Flashlights being set on full power while crossing the beams...

I happily have all the models for the first list, however I am 5 normal guardsmen short for the second list, and 4 Grenade Launchers short for the third list. On the positive side one box of 10 Guardsmen will sort that problem out for me with no problems.

Any feedback on these lists let me know, as I look forward to see what people say.

The models in the picture form the 1st list in this post, minus the Primaris Psyker who is currently MIA. Hopefully me posting shameful pictures of partially constructed and painted models will spur me on even more to finish them!


John said…
Hi - my money would be with the autocannon list. I used a list heavy on meltas, autocannons and also 2 chimeras and did well against CSM and VERY well against daemons:
Kraggi said…
Awesome, i Just need a couple o extra men to get that list to work.

The main problem is killing the 7 Rocket Launchers my opponent fields, and the 10 Grey Hunters that like getting up close n personnal lol.