
So currently I am finding myself short on time to make posts. No excuse really other things have taken a priority for me and unfortunately getting posts and pictures up ended up taking a back seat... something I intend to remedy.

This is a quick post really. In the last few weeks I have managed a few games practising for the Doubles tournament in January. My Double Partner Tom and I are now refining our lists as they are pretty much where we want them to be.

We struggle against armour... but only really in Dawn of War missions, having two Long Fang squads is great but does mean if they have to plod onto the table positioning and loss of their shooting phases does kinda sting us.

Our second practise game was against one of our local gamers by the name of Richard. He used the evil forces of Chaos against us, his list is below (if you are reading this Richard let me know so I can get your list right buddy), you can find our list here.

Daemon Prince
Lord of Juggernaut of Khorne
7 Plague Marines
10 Chaos Space Marines
2 Obliterators
8 Chosen Chaos Space Marines (with 3 or 4 Plasma Guns)

There may very well be something else I forgot in there, but that is the gist of it.

The game we rolled was Capture and Control and Dawn of War (my least favourite deployment).

Richard Rolled and got to choose to go first or second. He opted to go first. He deployed his Chaos Squad in the Objective and his Daemon Price and Plague Marines as far forward as possible. He kept nothing in reserve, and held it all read to trundle onto the board in his turn 1.

We Elected to deploy nothing on the Board to begin, but we didn’t reserve anything. We tried to steal the initiative but failed.

The Game then proceeded well for us. With our whole force walking onto the Board edge in one turn we put some serious hurt on the Daemon Prince and Plague Marines, including Charging the Daemone Prince with both Lone Wolves that Tom had. He only managed to kill one, that meant we got another turn of shooting given that he was locked in combat for his turn 2.

In his turn 2 he continued to advance, with his defiler and both Obliterators targeting his Rocket Long Fangs squad and reducing them to two men, however they didn’t run. The Plague Marines shot at and then Charged the other Long Fang Squad, however their Previous turns losses meant they were not the threat they should have been in combat.

In our Turn 2, the two Rocket Long Fangs hit the Defiler with two rockets and Managed to destroy it. My Vendetta managed shot at the Daemon Prince.

Both of the Grey Hunter units and the Rune Priest shot at the Daemon price along with both of my Valks and they managed to kill it. In combat the Long Fang squad drew with the Plague Marines.

Richards third Turn came along and his Obliterators wiped out the two remaining Rocket Long Fangs, the rest of his army ran towards us with his Lord on Juggernaut and the Chosen moving to within 12” of our Forces. In combat the Long Fangs Killed the Plague marines and readied themselves for shooting at the Khornate Lord.

On our Third Turn the Vendetta killed one of the Obliterators, the Two Squads of Grey Hunters, Both Valks and one of my Veteran Squads (with Meltas) moved and readied themselves to unleash the Wrath of the Emporer on the Khornate Lord. Between their combined firepower they wiped out the Squad and Lord in one turn, leaving the second Long Fangs Squad to take out the Remaining Obliterator.

This left Richard with one unit grounded in his Objective, but no way to contest ours. Coincidently this turn the Rune Priest failed his second Psychic test of the game with a double 6 for both and in both cases he failed to save the wounds.

In turn 4 Richard Moved his men out of sight of our Forces, while in our turn the Valks moved towards the objective, ready for the final rush in Turn 5.

Turn 5 came and Richard was unable to hurt our Valks, and in our Turn 5 they parked within 3” of the objective to deny it to him. When the 1 came up on the dice at the end of the game, we had won 1-0.

After the game I have to say that the Dawn of War actually worked more in our Favour than it did for Richard, his Khornate Lord having to slog it across the board to us did him no favours, it was a good game and our second Victory with our army.


Rusty Nail said…
I'm fairly certain Richard had 3 Oblits to start off with apart from that nothing else jumps out at me
Rusty Nail said…
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My 1,500 point list of CSM's was
Daemon Prince with Mark of Nurgle
Chaos Lord of Khorne with lightning claws and Juggernaught
10 Plague Marines (with 2 plasma guns and champion with power fist & plasma pistol)
10 CSM's, most likely with 2 plasma guns
3 Obliterators
10 Chosen Chaos Space Marines with 4 plasma guns and champion with lightning claws