The Duroga System

The Duroga System: The Duroga system consists of 4 habitable planets, all of which are under the protection of the Imperial forces in this region. Recently the Imperial Presence has been weakened, and several enemy forces have seen the opportunity to move in and claim this resource rich system. The Tyranids have recently moved into the system, intent on claiming it for the Great Devourer, Warboss BigClaw has declared a Waaagh!, and has arrived from a nearby system, intent on taking over and raising an even bigger Mob. The Imperial forces, are rallying together with the Sons of the Lion, Methelas Regiments, Raven Guard and the Blood Dragons. The Tau have also recently moved into the area, their intent seems to liberate the system for the Greater Good Duroga Prime, is a large world, not quite a forgeworld, but the next best thing, its production capacity is one of the highest in the Cluster, and a vital resource that the Imperium cannot let fall. Duroga III is a small Outpost world, on a barren waste land. Its resources are low, but it provides a perfect dumping ground for the toxic waste produced by Duroga Prime, it has an extensive cavern system, which the Imperium is slowly filling with dangerous and useless materials. Duroga IV is a small agriworld, in the main it produces most of the food consumed in the system, and is vital to providing foodstuffs for the long term survival of the systems population. Duroga VII is an industrial world, which utilises all of its space either for food stuffs, or for manufacturing. Of all the Worlds in the system it is the only one that could be self sufficient. Territory Distribution: The Imperium has a good control over the planets in question, they begin the campaign in control of all the Spaceports and Hive City tiles on all of the four planets. This gives the Imperium both an advantage and disadvantage. They will have several strongpoint’s (as the forces that begin in control of a planet should do), however they stand a good chance of being outnumbered in many early encounters. Once all of these tiles have been claimed the players each roll off to find the order in which they get to place markers on the maps. Each Faction has a different aim and a different entry point into the system, this is represented by the following, The Tau many only claim tiles on Duroga VII & Duroga Prime The Orks may only claim tiles on Duroga IV & Duroga Prime The Tyranids may only claim tiles on Duroga III & Duroga Prime The Imperium may claim tiles on any of the Four planets. Planetary Bonuses If one faction is in full control of a planet, then they are able to consolidate their forces, and this in turn makes it much more difficult to take their territory. If an enemy attempts to take over one of their territories which is on a planet they control fully then they suffer -2 to the roll, in addition to any other modifiers. Faction Bonuses Tyranids: Due to the nature of a Tyranid swarm their opponents never benefit from the additional 50 points per tile which the Tyranids control, you simply cannot stretch the Tyranid swarm, it is endless. Also if the Tyranids gain control of a Planet for 3 complete turns (mean no tiles are lost from their control) then all of the Buildings on that Planet stop providing Bonuses and are removed. Every tile on the Planet counts as a Space port for the Tyranids. This represents the Tyranids devouring the Planets resources. Orks: The More territory the Orks control, the more powerful the Waaagh is. For every 20 tiles the Orks control they get to roll an additional D6 when running or fleeting, and pick the highest. Imperium: As with all great armies, the longer the worlds are in peril the more likely the Imperium is to divert significant forces to support the campaign, even individual battles are treated in much the same way. In any game that gets to Turn 7 the Imperium forces gain extra reinforcements. This takes the form of any unit that has been wiped out may be brought back into play. This does not apply to any HQ units. Tau: The Tau race is very good are recruiting the local populace into fighting with them. For every 15 tiles the Tau control they may pick an Imperial Guard unit to fight with their army. This does not include HQ or Elites. For Example if the Tau player controls 30 tiles, they would be able to add up to two Guard unit choices to any army list they play. Map Pieces: These follow all of the rules laid out for them in the Planetary Empires Rulebook, with the exception of the Spaceport tile. The Spaceport tile normally allows you to count all locations as adjacent for the purposes of rolling on the Conquest table. If you control a Spaceport you may Initiate a Planetstrike mission against any enemy territory on the board, or on one of the other worlds in the system, if you win this mission then that territory (and that one alone) counts as being adjacent to you for the purposes of rolling on the Conquest table. This means that you must nominate the territory you are targeting before you play the game. You may initiate a number of Planetstrike missions equal to the number of spaceports you control at the beginning of the campaign turn, capturing additional spaceports will not allow you to initiate an additional Planetstrike, this represents your forces readying the Spaceport for use after the battle to capture it. Choose your target and roll a D6. Each result corresponds to the mission listed in the Planetstrike Book: 1= Planetfall 2= Desperate Assault 3= Seize and Destroy 4= Stranglehold 5= Forlorn Hope 6= Planetquake If the Tile has a building on it, then the defender gains a special bonus in the Planetstrike battle. These bonuses are listed below: Shield Generators: When the Attacker chooses to initiate a Planetstrike on a tile with a Shield generator the defender must roll a D6. On a 4+ they may redirect the Planetstrike to one of the adjacent tiles. If none of the adjacent tiles are valid targets (i.e all of them are controlled by the attacker) then the Planetstrike goes ahead against the nominated tile. This does mean that someone can end up playing a Planetstrike mission against a different opponent than they declared the mission against (if that opponent is not available then the game will need to either be rescheduled, or will need to be abandoned. If it is abandoned then the Attacker has used up one of his allowed Planetstrikes this game turn and may not get it back). Manufactorums: This building means that the Defences produced on here are of a much higher level, with the Manufactorum controller keeping the best component for himself. This means that all of the Automated Weapons in the Bastions and the Interceptor guns are BS 3. Defence Line: This tile grants the Bonus stratagem of Trench Network to the defended, with no Stratagem points needing to be spent on it. Command Bastion: This grants the defender the ability to change the score of the roll to choose a mission by +/- 1. So if the Attacker rolled a 4, then the defender can choose to fight mission 3, 4 or 5. Power Station: This allows the defender to re-roll all Reserve rolls. It also allows them to choose to fail any reserve roll that they wish. The Hive City: This Grants all of the benefits listed above as the Hive City tile contains all of these buildings, in one form or another. It also means you have to play a special Planetstrike Mission (the one posted a few weeks ago). Conquest Table: Any player who took part in a game may attempt to claim a tile from one of the factions they played against. If the player lost a game, then he may only attempt to take control of a Tile that is Adjacent to one of their Factions Tiles. Winners of Games may attempt to take over two tiles a turn but no more. The table below shows the score required on 2d6, dependant on the location. Location Tile is Adjacent to one of the Factions Tiles= 3+ Tile is not Adjacent to one of the Factions Tiles= 7+ The table below shows the modifers when rolling to capture tiles. Modifiers The Game ended in a Draw= -4 Tile has Defence lines or ruins or river= -1 Tile is a Mountain or Spaceport= -2 Tile has a Shield Generator (or is next to one)= -Modifier (consult the Planetary Empires book) Tile is located on an Enemy Held World= -2 The Player lost= -8 Note that is extremely unlikely for the loser of a game to win a tile, but it does allow for the odd chance that they managed to distract the enemy forces enough to seize territory. Capture a Hive City Tile: Attacking a Hive City requires a massive amount of planning, resources and effort. This leaves the Attacker vulnerable to a counter attack if they are beaten by the defenders. This can be done by rolling for the tile as normal on the Hive City, or by playing the special Hive mission that I posted a few weeks ago. The Winner of the game gets to roll a D6, and consult the table below. The score required indicates what they need to roll to capture the Hive, or if the defender wins one of the tiles that the Attacker controls that is adjacent to one of their tiles. This can make it considerable easier for a player to capture a tile, no modifiers are applied to this roll. So shield generators and defence lines will not help. Victory Margin Score Required 1-5= 5+ 6-10= 4+ 11-15= 3+ 15+= 2+ Winning: The Winner of the Campaign is the first Faction to control all of Duroga III, IV & VII, or to Control Duroga Prime and any other Planet.
