Horus Heresy WIP Progress


The last couple of weeks have been busy with work, the end of term for my son and just generally being knackered.

I am finally approaching the end of the assembly line though! 

Here are some quick snaps of the models assembled thus far with another post showing some WIP of them in the next week I hope! 

In the end I settled on the following load out for my Tactical Marines:

5 Sergeants
2 Vexilla
2 Nunico Vox
5 Augury Scanners
33 Bolter Marines

This will let me do a mix of squads from two at 20 strong, to four at 10 strong, with a range of options for my Sergeants.

I think Deep Strike is going to be pretty powerful, hence the Augury Scanners!

I then made 3 Legion support squads, Rotor Cannons, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, numbering 6, 6 & 9 respectively. 

Finally I have 2 Heavy Support Squads with a 5 Strong Heavy Bolter unit, and a 9 Strong Rocket Launcher squad (still will not use the word Missile here!)

At this point I am three games into the Horus Heresy having played a 500 and 1000 point game to get to grips with it, and a 1500 as the last one.

Next game I expect to be playing more the recommended points as at low levels you really need that mirror match so each army faces the same challenges as otherwise its a bit too rocket paper scissors!
