So for the first time since 8th came out I have pre-ordered a unit that is being released, normally I wait, and figure out what I want to buy, but these guys have me suckered in already.
Absolutely love the helmeted version and as I can have all three with Helmets, I don't see any reason why I wont!
The detail looks very nice, and this codex is looking like my second serious army in 8th (with a DG experiment maybe coming in third).
All in all I can see this being an interesting force to play, although potentially very difficult to learn. For now I am thinking that an Allarus unit plus HQ choice for a patrol detachment might be the way to go in my competitive list for access to the Stratagems and for a powerful unit to land and threaten the enemy rear positions!
Assuming my FLGS gets its order in this week (which unfortunately has been a challenge) I should have one of them assembled, and can borrow some custodes / primaris / normal sm to do a comparison post!