August & September Hobby


A slightly different month with schools back, terrain to paint for a Tournament, the tournament and prep for Tabletop Scotland in early September (find out more here!)

In the end I managed:

  • 5 Games of Legions Imperialis
  • 1 Soulbound Session
  • 3 Board Games (Dune Imperium, Homeworld Fleet Command & Unstable unicorns!) 

Painting wise, no army models were painted. 

Instead it was bucket load, a metric tonne of actual buildings for Legions Imperialis! 


September was an interesting month with TableTop Scotland and a Trip to the US for work which severely crimped my life and therefore impacted the Hobby time. 

I did manage a grand total of 10 models this month, and they were some of the more frustrating models to paint, in that they are 10 bases on Infantry for Legions

My hope is to push on through October and get back to some decent numbers of painted models as I have a lot of things piling up, fortunately all assembled and undercoated, so not quite a boxed pile of shame, or even a pile of sprues! 

Gaming wise, I managed a grand total of 11 games broken down by:

  • Dreadball - 7-0 Loss
  • Crokinole x 3 - Loss
  • Dune Imperium Solo Play - Loss
  • Legions Imperialis - Draw (Sons of Horus vs Salamanders)
  • Zombiecide (4 Games), 2 Wins and 2 Losses.
  • Dystopian Wars - Win (Federated States vs Imperium)

For a total of WLD - 3 / 1 / 8
