Ultramarines 1750 Points

We have a club league ongoing at the moment 1750 points, must play 12 games this year.

Positions will be based off of Win / Lose / Draw, with extra points if you score double your opponents Victory points. 

Finally tiebreakers decided on secondaries, with special emphasis on Warlord kills. Why Warlord kills, well thats cause the Warlord is the only thing that cannot change from game to game. Its fixed for the duration of the league. 

I decided as I would be using this army for the duration of the league that I should select something interesting to use that is currently competitive, although I wouldnt be tricking the army out as a top spec list. 

Saying that I decided on Calgar as my warlord, and the following as my list:

Marneus Calgar - Warlord
Primaris Lieutenant - Master Crafted Auto-Bolt Rifle, Vox Espirtum

Primaris Ancient

Intercessors (10), Power Sword for Sergeant, Auto Bolt Rifles
Infiltrators (5)
Intercessors (5), Stalker Bolt Rifle

Fast Attack:
Inceptors x 5, Assault Bolters

Heavy Support:
Mortis Contemptor, Twin Lascannon x 2, Typhoon Missile Launcher x 1
Devastator Centurions (3), Lascannon x 4, Heavy Bolter x 2, Hurricane Bolter x 1, Centurion Launcher x 2
Hellblasters, (10), Plasma Incinerator

Total Points: 1744
Total Command Points: 3+5+2

So far this list has faced:

Adeptus Soritas - Major Victory
Tyranids - Major Victory

Now all my luck has gone my way so far against my opponents, so we shall see how long I can keep this up
