The Howling in Review

So three games played, some quick thoughts on how i felt it went. 

Game 1 vs Slyvaneth - Not my best performance. Ended up conceding as my head wasnt in the right space and my opponent had me from the beginning of the game. Really struggled to catch up points wise after a slow start. 

Also double turned my opponent, didnt help at all, while also feeling crappy about double turning.

In the end I took some big chances that did not pay off, but not really sure what I could do differently, as the objectives, and taking them was going to be a pain for me, and going second didnt help me scoring the points - although I appreciate the double turn is meant to level that out slightly. 

This is the game where I decided I wouldn't be double turning people, even if I needed it.

Game 2 vs Tzeentch Daemons - Head back in the game, this looked to be heading for a Tzeentch victory until I remember about my command ability to get a unit back if it was destroyed. My opponent kindly allowed me to spend the point and roll the dice. The 5+ worked - first time ever! - and I managed to get a unit of Sequitors in charge range of the Lord of change. 

Ended up that I captured his objective for 2 turns at 4 points a turn, and despite winning priority twice I passed on the chance to double turn both times - and in both times it would have moved the game much more in my favour!

Game 3 vs Stormcast, interesting game, knew it would be a struggle as he had some big hitting units that could arrive from reserve 5" away from my models. I went first and killed his Venator with the Prime, before his two units of Paladins arrived and wiped out my backline. 

We had 4 objectives and scored more points if you captured it from an opponent so it was a bit back and forth. 

In the end I lost 15 - 13, mainly because I was forced to go first and then was double turned in turn 3, this gained him 2 extra Victory points that moved us from a draw to a win for him. Little frustrating that the game came down to a roll off as a draw was probably fair.

The only time my Prime has lived till the end of the game, and it was theoretically possible for me to charge in and win it on the last turn, but I basically needed to hit, wound and him to fail every save I threw at him (which I didn't!).

This was probably the most informative game I could have had as I got to see another Stormcast army and how it played, its given me some different ideas of how to go about it. 

The Learnings:
I need to play Age of Sigmar more... Its a decent system, and while there are plenty of bits I think that could benefit from stealing from 40k, there are plenty of bits that 40k could take into Age of Sigmar to make the game better. 

The army worked better as this time round I remembered I could deep strike any unit (so my artillery didn't sit at the back of the board doing nothing!)

Still a little fuzzy on a few of the rules, but remembered by 6+ ignore wounds from my Generals Trait much better than last time I played (which was nice). 

The dice deserted me a couple of times - if i get a few more games in and maybe tweak the list around a little bit to try some different strats I could see it being much more enjoyable to play. 

Looking at the Bonereapers as a second army - those models are fantastic! So maybe if i get an army I am more into it will also be that little bit more fun! 

The List
For those interested here is the list I ran.
