A successful few weeks has brought this from being a lowly 5 models up to a much more respectable 29!
With some biggies ticked off from my list, although I really need to finish that second Repulsor I have kicking around the house!
Its also worth noting I count the model as painted for the purposes of my monthly count, as I tend to stock up on models to base then go on a huge splurge to get as many done as possible in one sitting (more PVA glue efficient I find).
This will mean that we might be a little delayed before I get my completed model posts up and on the blog!
Models Painted: (29)
Vindicare Assassin
Necron Destroyers x 3
Necron Overlord
Necron Cryptek
Necron Immortals x 5
Eliminators x 3
Suppressors x 3
Infiltrators x 10
Captain in Phobos Armour
Galatus Dreadnought
Redemptor Dreadnought
Assembled Models:
Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan
Primaris Chaplain
Galatus Custodian Dreadnought
Venatarii Custodes x 3
Games Played:
Not a great month for playing games of any system, and unless things change I suspect May will be the same, but I can hope to make it up over the summer.
Warhammer 40,000
Ultramarines vs Imperial Knights, 1750 points, Loss