More Work in Progress - Varied armies!

More snapshots from my painting table. 

I have really enjoyed painting the greater possessed, its massively tempting me back into a full blown Chaos army (especially as my Marine one is coming ever closer to being complete, least till the next codex comes out!)

This second shot is the model complete (minus the base, which gets down when my batch of models needs basing this week!)

My first Van Saar ganger, a little more work on the base of the model, but overall pretty happy with this scheme a chunk of dry brushing for the light leather look which helps with the scheme. 

My Librarian with Phobos armour, obviously the base, and some extra details to be completed (mainly the psychic tome on this back).

The Captain General himself, I can finally do that 3++ Supreme command detachment that no customs player ever dreams of! The cloak has been a lot of fun to paint. Still loads of little details to pick out here, but really looking forward to finishing him off as well!a
