A More Competitive List - Ultramarines, 2000 points

And now for something I haven't posted for a while. Something that's less about taking units I don't use that much, and more about trying to optimise.

I don't expect this to be a a tournament winning list, but what i would like is for it to be something that gives me a few more options.

Expected Tactics:
This army isn't designed to be too stationary, Calgar gives me the ability to keep things moving and still getting in hits on the enemy, while Tigurius is there to keep units alive and buff me for some combat points (plus that Null Zone threat to people).

I would expect to keep the Scouts / Tactical squad held back to try and keep any objectives towards the back of the board, while the rest of the army (minus the Supreme Command & Inceptors) advances.

I have considered swapping Calgar out as well, as I could fit in a Warlord with some better traits and save myself upwards of a 100 points, but I want to see how this plays out, the 3 CP hit for re-rolls is definitively worth it, and at the moment its deciding if 5 CP's is worth the 100 ish points I pay for Calgar, or if I should be looking at more bodies on the ground.

I currently only own one of the Assassins, but intend to add the other three to give me options, although I expect it will be the Vindicare that I use most of the time.

I also have a variation of this that swaps out one Smash Captain (yep I actually went there...) for a Librarian in Phobos armour, but I am not sure that this will provide the buff I am looking for just yet.

The List

*Chapter Selection*: Ultramarines

Command Points:
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Battalion Detachment CP [5CP]

Supreme Command Detachment CP [1CP]
Operative Requisition Sanctioned [85pts, -2CP]

Marneus Calgar Warlord CP [2CP]

Total Command Points: 9

++ Battalion Detachment (Imperium - Space Marines) [107 PL, 1663pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot+

Victrix Honour Guard [3 PL, 64pts]
. Victrix Honour Guard: Power sword, Storm shield
. Victrix Honour Guard: Power sword, Storm shield

+ HQ +

Chief Librarian Tigurius [7 PL, 115pts]:

Psychic Powers: 1) Veil of Time, 2) Might of Heroes, 6) Null Zone

Marneus Calgar in Armour of Heraclus [11 PL, 200pts]: Warlord

+ Troops +
Infiltrator Squad [11 PL, 186pts]:

7 x Infilltrator,
1 x Infiltrator Sergeant

Scout Squad [6 PL, 80pts]
1 x Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper Rifle
4 x Scout w/Sniper Rifle

5 x Camo Cloak

Tactical Squad [5 PL, 75pts]
3 x Space Marine
1 x Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun/Bolt pistol
1 x Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter

+ Elites +

Primaris Ancient [5 PL, 69pts]:

Relic: Standard of the Emperor Ascendant

Relic Sicaran Battle Tank [14 PL, 185pts]:

3 x Heavy bolter

+ Fast Attack +

Inceptor Squad [20 PL, 180pts]:

8 x Assault bolter
3 x Inceptor
1 x Inceptor Sergeant

+ Heavy Support +

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought [9 PL, 206pts]:

1 x Cyclone missile launcher
2 x Twin lascannon

Hellblaster Squad [16 PL, 231pts]:

7 x Plasma incinerator
6 x Hellblaster
1 xHellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol

++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [17 PL, 334pts] ++
+ HQ +

Captain [6 PL, 124pts]:

Jump Pack
Storm shield
Thunder hammer

Captain [6 PL, 124pts]:

Jump Pack
Storm shield
Thunder hammer

Lieutenant in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 86pts]:

Master-crafted occulus bolt rifle

++ Total: [124 PL, 2000pts, 9CP] ++
