Imperium Soup - 1750 points

Playing some Chaos scum this evening (pointedly doesnt look at the Shadowspear half he isnt selling), and using some of my original models to bring to the table top.
My new Shadowspear stuff isnt ready yet, so I figured it was worth trying out a slightly different army, and apparently Calgar brought some Custodes with him to Vigilus!

Ultramarines Battalion - 1072 points

Marneus Calgar in Armour of Heraclus, Warlord, Adept of the Codex
Primaris Lieutenant, Power Sword

Intercessor Squad, 5 Intercessors, Bolt Rifle
Intercessor Squad, 5 Intercessors, Bolt Rifle
Scout Squad, 9 Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks

Fast Attack:
Inceptor Squad, 4 Inceptors, Assault Bolters

Heavy Support: 
Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought, Twin Lascannons x 2
Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought, Kheres Assault Cannon x 2

Adeptus Custodes - Luna Watch Vanguard - 672 points.

Shield Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour, Castellan Axe, Miscordia, Eagles Eye

Allarus Custodians, 3 Allarus, Castellan Axes
Wardens, 3 Wardens, Castellan Axes x 2, Guardian Spear x 1
Vexillus Preator in Allarus Terminator Armour, Vexilla Magnifica

++ Total: [112 PL, 1748pts] ++

Command Points: 3 + 5 + 1 + 2 = 11

Not my usual list, plenty of deep strike threat to annoy my opponent, some threatening long range firepower (which is pretty mobile with Calgar in tow!) and some decent Ob Sec units (the Entire Custodes force, and the troops).

Having played the game through against my opponent, we found that I basically couldnt hurt anything.
My army spent turn 1 shooting at the Deathguard three wheelers, and I got 6 unsaved wounds through (not helped by the spectacular scouts hitting 9 times, and then failing to wound once!).

Three lascannons hit the unit and after a command reroll and his saves caused 4 wounds (again not helped by the 4, 1 & 1 (with a reroll to 1) that I got!

In the second turn the entire army shot again at the same unit closing in on me and and managed a further 6 wounds... all in all it did not go well.

Some tactical choices didnt help, but the army just didnt seem to gel for me. Looking at a couple of new options as I'd like to make this work, but need to think about how to do that (one way will be the Galatus Dreadnought that will soon be making its way into the list in place of the Wardens methinks!)

Ah well, better luck next time!
