Necron Destroyer Lord - Gallery

I recently got this model completed to act as my Warlord in the initial stages of the Vigilus Campaign.

Pretty happy with the approach (one I will adopt for any other Destroyers I decide to make moving forward!)

So when I did the Character gen for this guy it was done at pace just before a game, but he ended up with:

Terrifying: -1 Leadership for enemies within 3"
Stealth Assault: Cannot be overwatched

Stat Increases
Fleet - +2" movement

+1 Damage for the weapon

The Loadout is straight forward with him rocking a Warscythe, and the Relic of Sempiternal Weave for +1 Toughness & +1 wound. 

He wont be the most amazing of Warlords, but he is the Necron Warlord for my forces on Vigilus, and as such he is bringing a re-roll to his and friendly Sias Dynaasty units charges... which given he is going to be accompanies by the Triarch Praetorians & Wraiths should work out nicely!  
