With Calgar finally painted alongside his Victrix Guard, its time to get a list written to use them, and see how they do!
Taking into account some of the other newer things to have surfaced since I last wrote a more competitive list!
So without further ado!
Marneus Calgar in Armour of Heraclus - Warlord; Adept of the Codex
Primaris Lieutenant, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword
Intercessor Squad (5), Auto Bolt Rifle x 5, Power Sword
Intercessor Squad (10), Bolt Rifle x 10
Intercessor Squad (5), Bolt Rifle x 5
Primaris Ancient, Banner of the Emperor Ascendant
Relic Sicaran Battle Tank
Victrix Honour Guard
Fast Attack:
Inceptors (5), Assault Bolters x 10
Heavy Support:
Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought, Twin Lascannon x 2
Hellblaster Squad, Plasma Incinerator x 8
Dedicated Transport:
Repulsor, 2 Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers, 3 Storm Bolters, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Twin Heavy Bolter
Total Points: 1907
Power Level: 119
So this list is very much your typical Ultramarine gunline, it can reach out and touch people with the Inceptors, those 30 shots that can come down out of range of being shot at is pretty nifty, and locking down some units in combat will go a long way as well!
I have also left enough points for some Assassin choices depending on who I am facing, and while I favour the Vindicare assassin I think in a lot of places, it will be nice to have the flexibility to pick the right model here.
It does mean I need to go and actually buy myself some Assassin models though... ah well!