Very nice prizes, and as usual when hosted by Common Ground Games, excellent terrain, tables & enviroment!
So how did I get on?
Well as a quick refresh my list is below:
Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
Mortal Realm: Ghyran
Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar
Knight-Incantor (140) - Spell : Celestial Blades
Lord-Arcanum (180) - General - Command Trait : We Cannot Fail - Artefact : God-forged Blade - Spell : Stormcaller
Lord-Ordinator (140)
Celestant-Prime (340)
Lord-Relictor (100) - Prayer : Translocation
5 x Sequitors (120) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 2 x Stormsmite Greatmaces
5 x Sequitors (120) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 2 x Stormsmite Greatmaces
5 x Liberators (100)
10 x Evocators (400) - 1 x Grandstaves - Lore of Invigoration : Speed of Lightning
Celestar Ballista (100)
Celestar Ballista (100)
Aethervoid Pendulum (40)
Everblaze Comet (100)
Soulsnare Shackles
In Game 1 I faced Sylvaneth
Dyrads, lots of Dryads and line of sight blocking terrain, we also played length ways with 4 objectives, your own worth 1 VP, no mans land worth 2VP each and your opponents worth 4 VP.
I left the Celestant prime in the sky till turn 3, and set everything else up (he dropped in 1 anyway!
Key Rules I forgot:
1. My Lord Arcanum can boost the speed of Endless Spells
2. Stormcast units arriving from reserve are at -1 to hit (this could have been huge!)
3. My Celestant Primes sceptre of Mortal wounds (again this could have been huge!)
4. My Lord Arcanum can only cast 1 spell per turn, not 2!
This game was (so I am told) an uphill battle for me based off of my knowledge of the game, my list and my opponent.
The woods that allow the Dryads their outstanding movement meant that my Shackles would not help, and they also blocked my line of sight.
At the end of turn 3 a daring plan with my Evocators & Celestant prime had failed to kill anything, resulting my offensive firepower being wiped out.
In hindsight splitting my attacks differently, would have helped, and that is a definite learning to take from it.
When the game ended I was 15-3 points behind, with him gaining 5 every turn to my 1, and no real option for me to deal with that.
In Game 2 I faced Chaos
This time I was facing Archaon and his minions... my mistakes here were mainly in the combat phases forgetting to attack, or rather choosing not to attack when I had 1 wound left on my Prime... thinking his shaman wouldnt be able to hurt him. I forgot for a moment i was rolling the dice!
I did managed to kill Archaon successfully, which to be fair was my real objective!
In Game 3 I faced Nighthaunt
My final game was against another newbie to the tournament & age of sigmar scene. We played through till round 3 where I managed to win.
For the most part my army performed how I would expect it to, I even remembered all of the rules I had forgotten previously, and that made a difference!
The 1 rule I didnt know was that I can dispel my own endless spells in my opponents magic phase (should I decide not to dispel or stop theirs, or if i have a spare dispeller).
The Evocators were fantastic, although more character targeting is required when facing Nighthaunt, and my spells all got used, and all performed well.
I managed to deal with all of my opponents Characters, and at the end of the game he had only a couple of units left.
In Hindsight:
I have a few issues with Age of Sigmar, and I guess only by playing will I find out if they are too much of an issue.
- The missions are all - not so much an issue as an observation.
- Some of those said missions are weighted to going first (the first two we played definately favoured this)
- You rack up VP's by scoring objectives at the end of your turn
- Going first generally means that no mans land objectives are easy grabs if you have the movement
- Double turn is just silly - I get that someone might choose to give up going first to give their opponent a double turn, but I dont really feel that this should be a roll off.
- The one game where it happened, didnt affect the outcome, but it just plains sucks to sit and wait through two entire opponent turns.
- I'd love this to be a tactical choice, that if you are going first in a Battle Round you can choose to forgo going first, and give your opponent the double turn
- That in turn would pass it to your opponent to decide if they want to go first or second in the following turn.
- Combat - I feel like in the combat phase with two combat units ( that are relatively weak when attacked ), only having 1 in combat is a boon, whatever I do the unit I choose not to attack with gets gubbed.
- There is a lot going on in a standard Age of Sigmar game
- All the Special Terrain rules
- A realm rule (and additional spells)
- A realm effect
- Something quite difficulty and intimidating to get used to with very little game experience.
Will be interesting to see how the game progresses as I get more experience, and generally my opponents were fantastic, put up with my griping about not knowing the game, helped me out where they could (and in the case of the first two, apologised for the crushing defeats I was handed!)
I nabbed a vote (just 1) for best army, which makes me feel good as I really love how the army looks (a few more piccys below), and nabbed 2 best opponent votes, which I think must mean my opponents had been drinking!
19th / 26, which at least gives me an aim for future events!