Adeptus Titanicus: A Tale of Two Warlords Part 2

 My Second Warlord, has a similar weapons load out to the first, but instead of just disgusting skin growing on it from the influence of Chaos, this one has varisou Skulls growing from its body & weapons. 

The shoulder was quite fun to do, if a little heavy on the Skull tax! 

The Legs only got something added to one of the kneepads this time, while the guns only had a few skulls added to them to link it all together. 

The Opposite should is meant to show the start of the skulls appearing, why they appear is still to be confirmed. Is it for their kills, corruption, dedication to a specific god? 

Even the Carapace weapons both have some Skulls appearing. 

I managed to get the skin, some of the blood and a whole lot of white skulls painted, in addition to some edge highlighting, and some work starting on the trim.

Still a fair amount of work to get this fnished, but really enjoying the conversions aspect of the hobby right now, and looking forward to how it looks with the blood effect paint!

A bit more work last night itself meant the skulls had an earthshade wash applied, as well as me finishing off the trim and the real blood effect.

The guns, their Skulls & Blood.

I have actually found that the lesser work completed on the knee and left shoulderpad I am happy with rather than the rows upon rows of skulls on the right .

One more night in February, and the plan is to get both Warlords across the line to add to my finished model totals this month!
