Adeptus Titanicus - A Tale of Two Warlords

So many monthjs ago I got my first Warlord, having seen it at Warhammerfest I knew I'd be interested in collecting it. 

It wasnt until I started assembling it that I truly appreciated what a great model it was.

Above is the first shot of the model & base assembled for my first Warlord, minus the armour plates of course! 

Following on from starting the base I went for grey Trenches on a martian themed base, you can see the Technical paint has only recently been applied here. 

The next stage was a Leadbelcher undercoat, followed by a Nuln oil wash. 

Attached to his base (which at this point is still difficult), and with the one colour that I know I wanted to include! 

When I went through magnetising I was doing mine and anothers Warlord at the same time (hence three in this piccy!).

This was part of my approach to make sure that all the weapons are nicely interchangeable! 

This is the body of the second Warlord, a hit of the colours to the right of the picture, but this time I was going to add some skulls, and then some fleshy growths to show the Titan's pledge to daemonic powers. 

As you can see above the eagle has been half covered by the greenstuff, and what will soon be painted as green. You can see the base coat I am using under the yellow that will be my second primary colour... still not sure its the best one, but it seems to have worked! 

Back to my first Warlord and he has the two primary colours, although no highlighting at this point! And the trim is still a bit up in the air in this picture. 

Here you can see the head for the second Warlord, green stuff included for me to paint up as skin, bleeding and all! 

And here you can see the model painted complete with the gruesome detail... was a lot of fun to paint! 

When I painted the head, I also painted up the flesh on the right hand shoulder of the Warlord as well... I have a few ideas of how I will progress this on the model though as I dont want to go overboard, but I think it still needs a little bit extra here. 

The three pictures below show the highlighting I attempted for the purple (on the legs) and on the yellow. 

Why o why did I choose yellow!!!!

 I will follow this post up with another when I get either of the two of them completed, I can't wait to see the two of them assembled and painted and next to each other! They aren't quite painted exactly the same, but they are definitely linked together as an army! 
