Here is the list i have used for my round 1 games.
vs Deathguard - Loss
vs Chaos - Loss
In both of my games, my opponents came with some kitted out Customer Daemon Princes and a pretty hard force to deal with.
In the first one, 3 Plagueburst Crawlers, a unit of 3 Tripods and the flamer character meant I couldnt really get close to try for the Crawlers in combat, nor could my 4 Lascannon Mortis Contemptor really deal with them before it died at range. Not a great match up for my army.
In the second game we played Hold your Gains, which due to the board setup (see below), and two gunlines of Cover ignoring Iron Warriors meant I basically lost a third of my army without return. It didnt help to be facing another kitted out Daemon Prince, 3 Hellbrutes with Twin Lascannon & Missile Launcher, 3 Havoc Squads with 4 Autocannons, and 3 Heavy Bolter Rapier batteries.... it was painful for the first two turns!
The remaining Ultramarines turned up a little too piecemeal to be able to effectively deal with the Traitors, although we exacted a heavy toll before falling to defeat.
At the moment i Have no concerns about keeping this army, its different, its fun to play with and it has no duplicated units (I have two Mortis Contemptors, but both with different weapons), so its playing how I expect.
I look forward to getting more games in over the rest of the campaign to see how it performs.
My current tweaks include needing to do something for my Twin Lascannon Mortis contemptor that just gained a battle honour, and butting my Librarian on a bike (as i have the stuff to convert this now!) as the leader of an Outrider detachment really should be!
1747 Points
Vanguard Detachment
Primaris Lieutenant - Power Sword, Warlord, Iron Resolve, Custom Character
Cataphractii Terminator Squad, 5 Terminators, Combi-Bolter x 5, Power Fist x 3, Chain Fist x 2, Grenade Harness
Tartaros Terminator Squad, 5 Terminators, Combi-Bolter x 4, Reaper Autocannon x 1, Power Fist x 4, Chainfist x 1, Grenade Harness
Contemptor Dreadnought, Kheres Assault Cannon, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon
Heavy Support
Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought, Kheres Assault Cannon x 2
Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought, Twin Lascannon x 2
Intercessor Squad, Sergeant, 9 Intercessors, 10 Auto Bolt Rifles, Power Sword, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher x 2
Outrider Detachment
Librarian, Might of Heroes, Psychic Scourge, Force Sword, Storm Bolter
Fast Attack
Inceptor Squad, Sergeant, Inceptors x 4, Assault Bolter x 10
Attack Bike Squadron, 3 Attack Bikes, Multi-Melta x 3, Combi-Bolter x 3
Bike Squadron, Chainswords x 1, Twin Boltguns x 3, Power fist x 1, Flamer x 1
Scout Squad, Sergeant, 6 Scouts, Sniper Rifle x 7, Camo Cloak x 7
Total Models: 43 models
Command Points: 3+1+1
The campaign is progressing with 20 games played it looks a little like this: