Vigilus Campaign, Round 1, The Army

Ok so the above picture for this article isnt very accurate, as my army contains more models than just Dreadnoughts or guys in Tactical dreadnought armour! 

A tiny bit late posting this, and this isnt quite the fluffy army I wanted!

While the bulk of the Ultramarine forces will not arrive on Vigilus for some time, the 2nd Company had a force in the area, that was able to respond faster. 

They arrived on the planet, and their initial planetfall went horribly wrong, with the bulk of their troops and command structure being wiped out in the initial engagements. Including critical injuries to 2nd Companies captain Acheran. The Apothecaries hope Acheran will recover but it will take some time before he is able to lead his forces again. 

After the horrific losses the Ultramarines retreated into the Hives of the Pharlain continent, but a young (a mere 53 years old) Primaris Lieutenant by the name of Avumis Manullis

vowed to continue harassing engagements against the encroaching Xenos & Chaos forces.

Along with a Veteran Librarian Barvio Nasel to reign in some of his more aggressive plans, he has built a force with ranged firepower, high mobility to go out, and stop the enemy cold. 

So thats the fluff, now how about the army? Well below is what I have thus far, this is all assembled and as of last night based and painted. 

Vanguard Detachment

Primaris Lieutenant - Avumis Manullis - Power Sword, Warlord, Iron Resolve, Relic: The Armour Indomitus, Custom Character

Cataphractii Terminator Squad, 5 Terminators, Combi-Bolter x 5, Power Fist x 3, Chain Fist x 2, Grenade Harness

Tartaros Terminator Squad, 5 Terminators, Combi-Bolter x 4, Reaper Autocannon x 1, Power Fist x 4, Chainfist x 1,  Grenade Harness

Contemptor Dreadnought, Kheres Assault Cannon, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon

Heavy Support
Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought, Kheres Assault Cannon x 2

Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought, Twin Lascannon x 2

Intercessor Squad, Sergeant, 9 Intercessors, 10 Auto Bolt Rifles, Power Sword, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher x 2

Outrider Detachment

Librarian, Might of Heroes, Psychic Scourge, Force Sword, Storm Bolter
- This is the one model I would like to look at tweaking, I really think this part of the army would benefit from the Librarian being on a Bike as part of a true Outrider detachment. Fortunately I inherited some Marine Bikers, so this might become true for round 2! 

Fast Attack
Inceptor Squad, Sergeant, Inceptors x 4, Assault Bolter x 10

Attack Bike Squadron, 3 Attack Bikes, Multi-Melta x 3, Combi-Bolter x 3

Bike Squadron, Chainswords x 1, Twin Boltguns x 3, Power fist x 1, Flamer x 1

Scout Squad, Sergeant, 6 Scouts, Sniper Rifle x 7, Camo Cloak x 7

Total Models: 43 models
Command Points: 3+1+1
