Comparing my first 8th Edition list to points now

So waaay back at the beginning of 8th I wrote out a list for a tournament called Eternal Warrior, three games, no limits or comp imposed, bring what you could and see how it worked.

Below is the list I took, now, I know this isnt a great list by any standards it's focussed on shooting stuff, without taking Guilliman (everyone was doing it so I didnt want to!)

We didn't have the Codex so everyone was using an index at the time we did this as well.

Now excuses out of the way here is the lists: 

Initial List

Army Faction: Imperium
Command Points: 4

Spear Head Detachment - Keyword: Ultramarines


Captain Kragath (74), Power Sword (4), Combi-Plasma (15) = 93  (Warlord) - 4 points saved now

Primaris Lieutenant Hojan (70), Power Sword (4) = 74 


Sternguard Veteran Squad, 10 Marines (160), Plasma Gun x 2 (26), Special Issue Boltgun x 8 (24) = 210 - 32 points saved


Tactical Squad, 10 Marines (130), Flamer (9), Combi Flamer (11) = 150 - 6 points saved

Fast Attack

Inceptor Squad, 3 Inceptors (135), Assault Bolter x 6 (90) = 225 - 90 points saved

Heavy Support

Predator (102), Predator Autocannon (49), Heavy Bolter x2 (40) = 171 - 21 points saved

Devastator Squad, 10 Marines (130), Missile Launcher x2 (50), Heavy Bolter x 2 (20), Combi-Plasma (15) = 215 - 14 points saved

Devastator Squad, 10 Marines (130), Missile Launcher x2 (50), Heavy Bolter x 2 (20), Combi-Plasma (15) = 21514 points saved

Hellblaster Squad, 5 Marines (100), Plasma Incinerator x 5 (90) = 190 - 25 points saved

Landraider (239), Twin Lascannon x 2 (100), Twin Heavy Bolter (17) = 356 - 59 points saved

Dedicated Transports

Drop Pod (103), Stormbolter (2) = 105 - 40 points saved

Detachment Total = 2000 points

Army Total: 2000/2000 pts (new total 1699 / 2000)

Sounds nice and fluffy does it! It didnt (unsurprisingly) do well in a Stormraven heavy environment, or against the Ad Mech or Chaos I faced! 

Now however, this list would only cost me 1699 points, meaning I have saved over 300 points! Thats enough to take two Intercessor Squads, and a new HQ to get me a Battalion. Or to bring in another Landraider (keeping to the theme of this list). 

So with that in mind, and based off a few things I know now vs then, here is how i would re-arrange / tweak this list - trying to keep it with the same sort of models though (remember here not looking at making this game breaking or anything, just looking to expand on the list I was going to take!)

Captain Kragath (74), Power Sword (4), Combi-Plasma (11) = 89  (Warlord) 
Primaris Lieutenant Hojan (70), Power Sword (4) = 74 

Tactical Squad, 10 Marines (130), Flamer (9), Combi Flamer (8) = 144
Tactical Squad, 10 Marines (130), Heavy Bolter (10), Plasma Gun (11), Combi-Flamer (8) = 159
Intercessor Squad, 10 Intercessors (170), Bolt Rifles (0) = 170

Fast Attack
Inceptors, 3 Inceptors  (75), 6 Assault Bolters (60) = 135

Sternguard Veteran Squad, 10 Veterans (140), Plasma Gun x 2 (22), Special Issue Boltgun x 8 (16) = 178

Dedicated Transport
Drop Pod (63), Stormbolter (2) = 65

Spearhead Detachment
Primaris Librarian (93), Force Sword (8) = 101

Heavy Support
Landraider (200), Twin Lascannon x 2 (80), Twin Heavy Bolter (17) = 297
Predator (90), Predator Autocannon (40), Heavy Bolter x 2 (20) = 150
Hellblaster Squad (90), Plasma Incinerator x 5 (75) = 165
Devastator Squad (65), Rocket Launcher x 4, Combi-Plasma
Devastator Squad (65), Heavy Bolter x 4, Combi-Plasma

Total Points: 1999

A lot of drops so unlikely to get that +1 to go first, but a very target rich enviroment, the Sternguard & Inceptors operate in the backfield for disruption and Objective grabs, while the rest of the army uses its firepower to whittle down the enemy. 

In theory! 
