Adeptus Titanicus Terrain

So I made the mistake of thinking it would be smart to clip out all the items on the sprues contained within the Grandmaster set. 

At the end the image below is what i had! 

I then spent the next 10 minute sorting it out into four seperate boxes, with struts, tall, medium and short walls. 

That then allowed me to start planing all my building outs.

I found that laying them out like this made sure i was happy with what i had planned, both from a volume and from a stacking option. 

As you can see I planned out a fair number of buildings.

The hardest bit here was transporting them to the shed (Where I do my gluing) without the wind wrecking what I had planned. 

Even with all that planning, here is the box of the spares after all was said and done! 

Finally a couple of snaps (plus half a Reaver) of how it looks so far. Not much height at the moment, but lots of stackable options. 
