So with a game against the ancient betrayers tonight (Word Bearers), I have decided to head back to my basic 40k army.
Ultramarines, no allies, no gimmick, just a pure and fluffy list.
Battalion - Ultramarines Keyword
Captain in Gravis Armour, Master Crafted Power Sword, Boltstorm Gauntlet
1st Lieutenant - Power Sword
2nd Lieutenant - Master Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle
Primaris Ancient - Banner of the Emperor Ascendant
Relic Sicaran Battle Tank, Heavy Bolters x 3
Intercessor Squad (10), Auto Bolt Rifles, Auxilary Grenade Launcher, Power Sword
Intercessor Squad (5), Bolt Rifles
Intercessor Squad (5), Bolt Rifles
Fast Attack
Inceptors x 3, Assault Bolters x 6
Heavy Support
Hellblaster Squad (5), Plasma Incinerators
Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought, Twin Lascannon x 2
Dedicated Transport
Repulsor, Heavy Onslaught Cannon, Onslaught Cannon, Twin Heavy Bolters, Stormbolters x 3, Frag launchers x 2, Krak Launchers x 2, Ironhail Heavy Stubber x 1
Command Points: 8
Pre Stratagem's spent:
Open the Vaults - Santic Halo for Warlord
Chapter Master - for Warlord
Command Points Remaining: 4.
Warlord Trait: Storm of Fire
This list has a lot of firepower, and can in theory act as a pretty mobile firebase, with only the Heavy Bolters & Lascannons being affected by the movement (and even then the Lascannons will still be hitting on 3's)
Looking at the Sicaran now, I know i am going to repaint it, the Gold / White just doesnt work for me, not when its next to a Repulsor that's primarily blue, so look out for that in the next few months!
Some randomly damaged marines here (three in total I think), so need to find that super glue to get em fixed!
The Inceptors also need some work, as much as I liked the idea of the flight stands, its time to do something a little more robust