The Latest Projects: Adeptus Titanicus

I have finally gotten some of my mojo back and in a bit of a hobby, model building spurt. 

Below are some pictures of the fruits of my labour this weekend! 

This isnt quite as nice as the version I saw someone share on the Adeptus Titanicus facebook page, however I am pretty happy with it. 

I didnt trim anything off the leg, and simply used the marking already in place to decide the level of bend I would get in the knee. 

I Then glued down the building to the base, and cut out the four wall sections so that the food is coming down into the building rather than resting on the walls on top. 

Here is a front on shot with a few more bits glued on, including the pistons for the feet, and the cables between the legs (the cables for the raised leg were a pain in the ass, and should be interesting to see how the armour plates fix here! 

And this is the rest of the maniple, the Warhounds have magnets everywhere they need one now, as does the Warlord. 

These shots were just after I finally got round to gluing all of the models to the bases.

And below some snaps of the weapons, and reaver body (plus the half assembled bodies of my Van Saar gang). 
