Last Weeks painting effort

Last week was one of my more productive painting weeks in recent memories. 

Below is a quick look at all the models I managed to paint:

16 Stormcast Sequitors (minus the bases)

A Stormcast Knight Incantor (minus the base as well!)

5 Stormcast Evocators (again minus those bases!)

Here is the progress I have made on some of the bases, not finished yet, but moving in the right direction.

For context these guys will hail from the Realm of Ghyran (life), and the ground under their feet is literally teeming with Ghyran's magic, hence the glowing green seeping up through the cracks. 

Celestar Ballista - the actual Ballista's are painted, and the crew I expect to get finished this evening. 

A Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger, really enjoyed painting this model, and looking forward to when I get round to doing the second one of these that I have. 


Kraggi said…
Thank you! Finally got the zing to get an AoS army painted!