So with some time found for painting I started to have a look at my Stormcast.
Picking a paint scheme was a bee, and starting with a gold undercoat has meant that I have all the gold segments just how I want them (just add Nuln Oil and some drybrush compound and they are fantastic!).
After messing around a bit I decided to do to these guys what I accidently did to my Custodes.
For the Custodes of my Luna Watch I went for Blue & Gold, the more traditional Stormcast colours, so this time round I went for Red & Gold for the Stormcasts, with some black armour added in.
The Paladin style units (Retributors, Sequitors, Decimators) will have far more black armour than normal units.
My battle line guys will be restricted to black shoulder & kneepads, with red robes and maybe red trim (although that is still to be confirmed! Might go back to gold for them!
Loved painting the robes of the Sequitors, so looking forward to getting started on the rest of them, and seeing how the Evocators are to build as well.
All in all, the challenge at the moment is dragging myself away from Diablo 3 (yes it sucked me back in recently!) and get some time painting these guys up.
I have an army planned for playing Friday so it would be nice to get all of my models with two colours on at least this time!
Still to plan out what realm I want to base these guys from.