Custodes Wardens WIP

Hopefully by the time my blog schedule gets round to this poist these guys will actually be finished.

If you follow the page on Facebook or my Twitter feed you probably have seen the latest pictures! 

First up, I love these models, I love guys in armour with robes... not really sure why (but its a large part of what attracted my to the Dark Angels all that time ago).

The blue has been fun to highlight - yes I appreciate they look a tiny bit Stormcast like! 

Below is a quick snap of the Wardens with their Gold, Silver & Blue applied. Now its for the details to be added. 

I play on a black shaft for their weapons, with red or blue gems (maybe green when I get that technical paint!), and they will be based on the same Grey base that I have used for the rest of my Ultramarines (as these guys will be working in tandem!)
