Daily Terrain Piece 11 - 14

More of the Daily Terrain pieces, some of these (well to be fair all of them) are pretty simple, but so far they should give me a decent looking table to get those games of Necromunda in! 

Day 11

A standard bulkhead with some black panelling. Not much else going on here, relatively straight forward!

Day 12: 

Another barricade, that as you can see the blue hasnt been applied as neatly as it could have been. This was a deliberate choice on my part, assuming that these bulkheads all have a uniform Metallic colour, then the colours will have been painted on by different gangs throughout their life time. 

Some times that will be neat, sometimes it wont be...

I also put a little bit more effort in highlighting the metal as well (having picked up a lighter silver), and it looks to be pretty good! 

Day 13

This bulkhead obviously shows a gangs colours on one side (the one with the keypad!), and no colours on the other. 

Day 14

Another blue barricade, with a bit more damage & rust than the previous one, really enjoying these smaller barricades (although I am now running out of them!)... I need to make sure that I get into a better habit of big piece x 2, then smaller piece, or I am going to end up with just a chain of bulkheads to paint!
