Just a quick post today, these are the guys that I was painting the other evening, while its not the best pictures - crap camera, crap lighting - its evidence (barely) that I am making progress on my Age of Sigmar & Shadespire stuff.
The bases of the Blood Reaver faction for Shadespire got changed after the first picture, I wasnt happy that the grey bases worked properly for them, so instead going for brown style cobbles, will have to see how I get them painted up and how they look in the end.
Finally here we have the 10 Arknaut Engineers for my Kharadron Overlords force, and the Arknaut Admiral that I have had painted since I got him.
The other bit I am working on is the Gunhauler... although I am going to need to jump back onto my 40k armies to get read for Dark Millenium 5 in a little over a month!