Eternal Warrior List, Now vs then

 So waaay back at the beginning of 8th I wrote out a list for a tournament called Eternal Warrior, three games, no limits or comp imposed, bring what you could and see how it worked.

Below is the list I took, lets have a look at how this list would change now with many more games experience under my belt.

Initial List

Army Faction: Imperium
Command Points: 4

Spear Head Detachment - Keyword: Ultramarines


Captain Kragath (74), Power Sword (4), Combi-Plasma (15) = 93  (Warlord)

Primaris Lieutenant Hojan (70), Power Sword (4) = 74 


Sternguard Veteran Squad, 10 Marines (160), Plasma Gun x 2 (26), Special Issue Boltgun x 8 (24) = 210 


Tactical Squad, 10 Marines (130), Flamer (9), Combi Flamer (11) = 150 

Fast Attack

Inceptor Squad, 3 Inceptors (135), Assault Bolter x 6 (90) = 225 

Heavy Support

Predator (102), Predator Autocannon (49), Heavy Bolter x2 (40) = 171 

Devastator Squad, 10 Marines (130), Missile Launcher x2 (50), Heavy Bolter x 2 (20), Combi-Plasma (15) = 215

Devastator Squad, 10 Marines (130), Missile Launcher x2 (50), Heavy Bolter x 2 (20), Combi-Plasma (15) = 215

Hellblaster Squad, 5 Marines (100), Plasma Incinerator x 5 (90) = 190

Landraider (239), Twin Lascannon x 2 (100), Twin Heavy Bolter (17) = 356

Dedicated Transports

Drop Pod (103), Stormbolter (2)

Detachment Total = 2000 points

Army Total: 2000/2000 pts

Now if I took this list in the Codex which is now out, it would only cost me 1844 points, which is a whopping saving of 156 points, and basically lets me add another 10 tactical marines to the game! 

This list didnt work as Stormraven spam was right there in our faces, and lots of shots with re-rolls to hit made short work of my mainly foot slogging list. 

However with some additional thought and time, I think I have a variation on this that i am happy with and that would work quite nicely. 

It is a bit of a departure, but it is an in you're face list that forces you to deal with my units when I want you to, rather than when you want to!

Revised List

Captain, Power Sword, Combi-Plasma

Primaris Lieutenant, Master Crafted Boltgun


Sternguard Veteran Squad, 10 Marines, 2 Plasma Guns, 8 Special Issue Boltguns

Sternguard Veteran Squad, 10 Marines, 2 Heavy Bolters, 8 Special Issue Boltguns

Sternguard Veteran Squad, 10 Marines, 2 Rocket Launchers, 8 Special Issue Boltguns


Intercessor Squad, 5 Marines, Bolt Rifles x 5

Intercessor Squad, 5 Marines, Bolt Rifles x 5

Intercessor Squad, 9 Marines, Auto Bolt Rifles x 9, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Power Sword

Heavy Support:

Hellblaster Squad, 5 Marines, Plasma Incinerator x 5

Dedicated Transports

Drop Pod x 1, Storm Bolter x 1

Drop Pod x 1, Storm Bolter x 1

Drop Pod x 1, Storm Bolter x 1

Repulsor x 1, Las-talon x 1, Twin Lascannon x 1, Onslaught Cannon x 1, Ironhail Stubber x 1, Krakstorm Launcher x 2, Fragstorm Launcher x 5

Total Points: 1996
Total Models: 60
Minimum Drops: 8
Command Points: 6

No Librarian like I have adopted in my lists recently, but plenty of bodies, and a full 30 Sternguard dropping down at point blank range, throwing out 48 shots at -2 armour save, along with their Special Weapons & Drop Pod's Stormbolters.

I now want to build a fourth Sternguard squad giving them some Stormbolters, for the same price as Special Issue Boltguns I like the idea of them arriving for cheaper than terminators and dropping that many shots at short range! 

The Repulsor gives me my only long ranged firepower, but then again with that many bodies in the mix of the enemy its not unreasonable for me to start locking their big hitters in combat, which isn't such a threat to me now, but depending on the target can really cripple an enemy force! 

The question is whether I spend command points on the Chapter Master, although the re-rolls arent a bad thing at all given the volume of shots this army puts out. If i got mobbed by enemies in round 1 I could drop in 30 Veterans and grant them some nice re-rolls to really bring the pain! 

Overall I think the second list is better than the first one was, although I think the first list I could use much more effectively now down to not only the new codex but practise at the game! 
