Shadespire Core Set Unboxing

So we picked this up on release day, or rather Dragkon did, and here are some quick pictures he took of the unboxing! 

It does have a fair old number of tokens, like their other boxed games of late, these are high quality tokens!

Once you get past the rule book and tokens you get your first look at the sprues.

And under that you get the three decks of cards and dice. 

First up the Khorne faction, nice red plastic in case you had any doubt, but these models are fantastic! 

I love the detail on them, and can't wait to get my hands on them to get some painted up! 

Followed by the Stormcasts, again a lovely set of models with exciting new sculpts - one of the best best about this!

Together you get the 8 models plus all the other items you need to play a game of Shadespire, with luck we will have some more pictures of one of the new faction unboxings next week as well! 

We will be posting up a quick review of our first game in the next few days, and given how quickly it plays, this might be the time to get into some video battle reports again!
