Destiny 2 thoughts

Its not very often I post about my video gaming... which to be fair is one of the big reasons I dont get as much hobbying done as I might expect.

Just as we are coming into the sweet spot of new game releases I thought I might do a quick post around Destiny 2.

Having played Destiny intermittently, Destiny 2 is definitely an improvement over the old version with far more to do solo or as part of a Fireteam without having to commit to a raid.

The story is significantly better and more co-herent than the first (although the challenge for that wasn't going to be too hard as Peppa pig has better stories than the original content that came with Destiny!).

The power level is similar to the light rank, although I think its a little easier to figure out as the over numbers have far more degree for variance.

The weekly reset has so far bought different tasks that have managed to keep it interesting without making it feel too tedious.

I have only played in two crucible games, but found them waay more enjoyable than I expected, so I look forward to trying out that Ranked mode next. 

Really need to pull my finger out to get myself into a Nightfall! 

I also really need to try the Titan & Hunter classes as well!
