Eternal Warrior - The List!

So after much heeing and hawing, I decided to go with the list below. 

It turns out that I missasembled my Tartaros terminators and dont actually have enough with Combi bolters for a 10 man squad in 40k (I guess that means i will need another Burning of Propsero box!), so they got dropped to a 9 man squad.

I then decided to add in an Attack Bike unit to give me some extra mobility, potentially not the best choice dropping the Devastator squad, and for the same price I could have gone for 2 Intercessor squads, but this leaves me with less models to paint (basically the Predator & Drop Pod + basing). 

Its obviously a very firepower heavy army, but has some close combat kicks from the Terminators and HQ. 

With three units able to arrive anywhere on the table (4 if i combat squad the Sternguard) I should be able to respond to most threats, but the challenge here is going to be killing the combat guys that we dont want to face before they get too close!

Army Faction: Imperium
Command Points: 4

Spear Head Detachment - Keyword: Ultramarines


Captain Kragath (74), Power Sword (4), Combi-Plasma (15) = 93 points (Warlord)

Primaris Lieutenant Hojan (70), Power Sword (4) = 74 points


Sternguard Veteran Squad, 10 Marines (160), Plasma Gun x 2 (26), Special Issue Boltgun x 8 (24) = 210 points

Tartaros Terminator Squad, 9 Terminators (279), Reaper Autocannon x 2 (36), Combi-bolter x 6 (12), Plasma Blaster (17), Grenade Harness (8), Power Sword (4), Chainfist x 2 (44), Power Fist (20), Lightning Claw - Single x 5 (45) = 465 points

Fast Attack

Inceptor Squad, 3 Inceptors (135), Assault Bolter x 6 (90) = 225 points

Attack Bike Squad, 3 Attack Bikes (135), Multi-Melta x 3 (81), Twin Boltgun x 3 (6) = 222 points

Heavy Support

Predator (102), Predator Autocannon (49), Heavy Bolter x2 (40) = 171 points

Devastator Squad, 10 Marines (130), Missile Launcher x2 (50), Heavy Bolter x 2 (20), Combi-Plasma (15) = 215

Devastator Squad, 10 Marines (130), Missile Launcher x2 (50), Heavy Bolter x 2 (20), Combi-Plasma (15) = 215

Dedicated Transports

Drop Pod (103), Stormbolter (2)

Detachment Total = 1995 points

Army Total: 1995/2000 pts
