Time for the Directorate Command Helix unboxing... there are a lot of models in this box, so be prepared for plenty of pictures, plus a couple with a random Ultramarine for scale comparisons.
Opening the box you can see its stuff full of bags (including a bag within a bag!)
Here are the bags all laid out.
First up the Arbiter itself, along with its two companion Trojan tanks
This model is a beast with a good bit of weight behind it as well
A few close up of the main components to let you see the detail, very impressed.
And now with a Random Space Marine for some scale, as you can see he is dwarfed by this tank.
Keeping the Marine involved I now start to assemble the model, no flash has been removed at this point and it all slots into place very nicely.
Within the bag containing the above, I found this, the two Stalkers that it carries, plus turrets for them to land on.
And now fully assembled with the Stalkers and turrets fixed.
Taller than a Space marine!
And a quick shot with the Stalker disconnected to show you its size next to the Space Marine.
In another bag you get another two Stalkers, and the three artillery markers.
You get four stalkers in total despite only being able to use 2 in the helix, because it allows you to fix two to flying stands for when they are deployed, and two to rest (I do not glue them) on the turrets of the Arbiter itself as it allows you to remove them when they are deployed.
Now for the Deadlock Infantry Grand Company, six bases of these guys are awesome, and the Arbiter transports them across the table top.
The Six bases
And then the twelve models to be deflated and glued to the bases.
All the Deadlock infantry are armed with Cyber Weapons which works really well with the Arbiters bonuses to Cyber warfare.
And not forgetting the two option Trojan tanks, really good to block line of sight to the Arbiter if you want, and with their Cyber benefiting from the Arbiter's special rules they are even better!
Followed by a couple of shots of the entire contents of the helix, not bad for the £50 if you buy it from Spartan, or the £40 if you buy it from them with your Games Club Network club discount of 20%!