January in Review

To keep myself motivated this year (mainly for the summer when my posts tend to suffer!) I am going to do a monthly review of how I have been doing.

This way even if I end up not posting a lot I have a record of the games & models I have played.

It might also help push me month on month to get more achieved, although the challenge is that you always tend to get more goodies at Christmas and January should be one of the more successful painting months! 

The Blog
Pageviews: 4961
Comments: 6
Blog Posts: 18

Models Painted:
10 Man Ultramarines Tactical Squad
5 Man Cataphractti Terminator Squad - Post due this week
Cataphractti Terminator Captain - Post due this week
Rense System Navy Assault Helix - Post due this month

Paint Progression - What i hope to complete this month, barring new purchases
Relthozan Core Helix
Dindrenzi Core Helix
Roboute Guilliman
2nd Tactical Squad of Ultramarines
Aquan Infantry Bases

Posts of Note:
How to Paint an Ultramarine

Games Played:
Not the best start of the year for gaming, with four out of five games lost... I guess things can only get better! 

Betrayal at Calth Mission 2 - Victory for the Ultramarines! 
Betrayal at Calth Mission 3 - Victory for the Word Bearers! (boo hiss)
Planetfall, 3500 points, Directorate vs Terran (Beta Test Game), lost -9 / 19
Planetfall, 5000 points, Aquans vs Directorate (Beta Test Game), lost -4 / 24
Planetfall, 3000 points, Directorae & Relthozan vs Sorylians, lost -19 / -4

300,000 Page views! Which I don't think is too bad since July 2010 when the Blogger counting started! Probably not that many unique readers, but even so a nice milestone.
