A Dragkon Painting Table update

Hey guys how are you all doing?

So this last month you have been seeing a few updates from kraggi about what I have been doing. Well it's been a fun month so far and I think it's time to give you all a update.

 more after the jump..


So I have started streaming the painting that I do on the creative channel on twitch.
And I kid you not it has been a blast.Check it out. http://www.twitch.tv/dragkon88

(Submited project to Geitmeise)

I was playing around with it a little last year. Getting my head around and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with it. After figuring all that out I had to jump in........
..... it failed badly haha! But went back played with a few setting, did all the big updates on my pc and went back to it. It WORKED!!!!
There are still a few things that I need to work on with but I am getting there.
+ schedule -- I need to figure out what time and days to do my streams (any thoughts?)
+ proper Mic -- not that high yet as I know my voice is annoying to hear lol. But still need to have a look at getting some thing sorted for that.
The good news is that I have hit one of my first goals and that is to get 25 followers. I know not that impressive but we all have to start some where. I have met well watched some amazing streamers who are very talented painters like MI_cho, Geitmeise, Foxtrotlag, who have been very helpfully with my questions about streaming.

My awesome but very basic set up...

Some of you may also be Awre that I have an instagram account. Well kraggi is. I seem to be uploading a lot of images on there and not here.... I will try and correct that. But I will share with you all the images from last month now :) 

 Soda Pop -- Super Dungeon Explore

Games Workshop -- Warhammer and Horus Heresy

 Spartan Games -- Firestorm Armada and Planetfall

Hopefully I will be doing more up dates for you all as the months go on and please feel free to jump over onto twitch and see the latest project that I'm working on. Till next time ....
