Horus Heresy Week II - Take 2!

For the second week running I am planning to do something for the Horus Heresy. 

However  this time I will actually hold to it (given that I have most of the posts written now).

For the next 7 days I am going to aim to do one post per day about the Horus Heresy, the 30k setting and the Betrayal at Calth game.

Having received the game yesterday at Winter War (a local Charity event tournament) its time to get my wiggle on, get some models painted, army lists built and get back into the Sci-fi setting for Warhammer! 

So what are my plans?

Here are my thoughts around the 'blog plan' for the week.

Monday - Betrayal at Calth - a 30k Army List basic ideas
Tuesday - Betrayal at Calth at 30k Army List (1500 points)
Wednesday - Betrayal at Calth at 40k Army List (1500 points)
Thursday - Betrayal at Calth Work In Progress Assembly / Painting 
Friday - Horus Heresy Showcase Minatures by Dragkon
Saturday - Betrayal at Calth - The Rules

Hopefully you don't mind the wait to get this going guys, and I look forward to your thoughts and comments! 
