Deadzone - Asterian Booster box

In addtion to all the other models you have seen me posting about I finally managed to get my Asterian booster packs assembled.

More piccys after the jump!

In total I got:

Sky Razor x 2
Cypher Prime x 2
Cypher with Missile Launcher x 2
Cypher with Fusion Rifle x 2

Still needing painting, but well on their way to being a finished Asterian force (and potentially a battle group for the new Warpath / Firestorm game).

With some luck I will be able to get some pictures up of these painted in less than 12 months!!!!

In the shot above you can see the Green Stuff I had to use to save the Sky Razors pilots feet from being at truly wierd angles. 

Something I managed to avoid on the model in the centre of the picture. 
