Aquan Recon Helix Unboxing

So I recently purchased the Aquan Recon Helix.

I have to admit to begin with I picked it up more because I thought the tanks looked ok, and its part of my 'own one of each release for my races' strategy.

However after reading the rules for them I think they will prove very very useful.

Now I just need that Leviathan....

So here we are, the box freshly opened, as usual Spartan provide a number of bubble wrap bags, and a plastic bag with the metal components.

Three bubble wraps to be precise...

All the models out of the bags, and put out on display. 

The Marana light tank squadron, I will get some pictures of these up next to the Imzani's light tanks as these guys are bigger.

The Khitari Strike Shoal, you are meant to get 10 (two sets of 5), no idea why I have 12, but not really complaining as I am sure I can do something interesting with the spare bases! 

Have to say love the size of the models on the bases for these guys... really need to get the 12 bases from the Core set painted...

And the (what I saw on the forums dubbed the second hardest transport in Planetfall) Larata. 

These guys are actually quite chunk, and as with most of the Aquan models they come with a piece to insert on the bottom of the model to help you achieve that hover effect. 

As you can see from the pictures I have left the flash and excess on them for you to see, there isnt a huge amount of it, much like I have come to expect from Spartan, and I look forward to painting and using these guys! 
