After the Cut

In the last few years I have been brutally cutting down my total number of models, although this has corresponded to a larger number of games systems coming into my possession.

At the moment I own the following:

The first book shelf consists of Directorate & Aquan forces for Planetfall.
Covenant of Antartica for Dystopian Wars
Ralgard for Uncharted Seas

With a couple of spaces for more models to be put out when I get the chance. 

The second shelves contain a display shelf with some of my favourite minatures, or mini's that have been bought as a gift that I dont want to part with. 

The rest of it is dedicated to Deadzone with: 


Being represented. 

Looking back at this I know this means I do not have my Warmachines / Hordes, X-Wing, Dreadball or Firestorm out on display yet.

I guess its time to get back into the hobby room to get more minis out on shelves!


Unknown said…
Quality non-content there lads. We wait months for an update. Give us something good.