So after reviewing a list and seeing what I can do, I think its time to see what we can do with the new Dwarf book.... I am looking at some quite cool fast moving Dwarf lists.
Without further ado... I present Strollaz's list.
Daemonslayer - Runic Weapon, Master Rune of Flight, Rune of Might, Rune of Parrying
Thane - Battle Standard Bearer, Runic Standard, Master Rune of Grungi, Strollaz's Rune & Rune of Sloweness
Runesmith - General, Shield, Rune of Spell Breaking
Runesmith - Shield
Runesmith - Shield
Warriors x 30, Shield, Full Command
Longbeards x 30, Shield, Full Command, Runic Standard - Strollaz's Rune
Hammerers x 30, Full Command, Strollaz's Rune, Rune of Slowness
Slayers x 19, Standard, Strollaz's Rune, Rune of Sanctuary
Gyrocopter, Vanguard Move
Gyrocopter, Vanguard Move
Total 2492.
Every unit in the list save one Gyrocopter gets a Vanguard move, which means you are greatly reducing the length of time the enemy has to prepare for you. Downsides to this do include that you are going to technically get closer to combat armies earlier, but then there isn't much else you can do about that.
I like the idea of the Dwarfs speeding across the table top, and look forward to trying this out.
The other plus side is that this list only requires a few purchases for me to be able to field it, namely
Two Runesmiths, 2 Gyrocopters & 9 Slayers.
What do you think?
Thanks for the Input!